OPUS XII: Club Cabaret
The party you’ve been waiting for!

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors for creating the party of the season!

Master of Ceremonies:
Glenna & Dick


Act I - $15,000+
Arvest Bank
Chesapeake Energy
Janie & Max Myers
Katie & Taylor Shinn
Tall Oak Midstream

Act II - $10,000+
The Chickasaw Nation
Devon Energy Corporation
Freestyle Creative

Kit Kat Klub - $5,000+
American Fidelity Foundation &
First Fidelity Bank
AT&T Oklahoma
Bank of Oklahoma
Blankenship Dental
Randy & Mendi Coleman
Continental Resources
Barbara Cooper
Cox Communications, Inc.
Crowe & Dunlevy
Alena & Steve Dixon
Flint Logistics Group
Flywheel Energy
Forty Five Ten
Debbie & Jay Harper 
Heartland Payment Systems
IBC Bank
Sherri & Bill Lance
MidCentral Energy
MidFirst Bank
Naifeh Fine Jewelry
Sovereign Bank
Stride Bank
Valliance Bank
89 Energy

Toast of Mayfair - $2,500+
The Ann Lacy Foundation
David & Michael Barnes
Dr. Lee & Sherry Beasley
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Oklahoma
Cooper Auto Group
Doerner, Saunders,
Daniel & Anderson
First Liberty Bank
First United Bank
Beverly & Mark Funke
Gaming Capital Group
Heim Orthodontics
HoganTaylor & Gail Huneryager
Inasmuch Foundation
Infinity Capital
Lingo Construction
Mansions Senior Living
Steve Mason
Whitney & Jack McClendon
Oklahoma Natural Gas
Regent Bank
Simons Investment Company
Lee Allan Smith
White & Associates, LLC
Heather & Jim Wilson

Life is a Cabaret - $1,000+
American Investment Group
Ascent Resources
Center for Employment Law
CMS Willowbrook
Cunningham Investments
JE Dunn Construction
Lauren & Richard Johnson
Pam & Jim Klepper
Caroline & Matt Lowery
Christopher Lloyd & Erik Salazar
Manhattan Construction
Debbie Nauser
Lisa & Tom Price
Quad Construction
REES Associates, Inc.
Amy & Frank Sewell
Southern Plains Productions
Lee Anne & Renzi Stone
Jordan von Netzer
Myra & David Woods